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Archie Frederick Campbell, Marquess of Lorne

Archie Frederick Campbell, Marquess of Lorne was born 3:55 p.m. 9 March 2004 at Queen Charlotte's Hospital, London, England. He is the eldest son and heir apparent of His Grace Torquhil Ian Campbell, 13th Duke of Argyll and Her Grace Eleanor Cadbury Campbell Duchess of Argyll. He was styled as Marquess of Lorne 9 March 2004.


The Marquess of Lorne's Baptism

Archie Campbell, Marquess of Lorne Baptism 2004

On Sunday the 29th of August 2004, the baptism of the son of Their Graces The Duke and Duchess of Argyll was held. The Marquess of Lorne was born March 9, 2004.

Queen Elizabeth II and Archie Campbell Marquess of Lorne
Queen Elizabeth II and Archie Campbell
Marquess of Lorne attend the Order of the Garter 2015

The young Marquess of Lorne was baptised "Archie Frederick Campbell". The photos were taken in front of the Glenaray & Inveraray Parish Church following the baptism service with his proud parents, Torquhil and Eleanor, The Duke and Duchess of Argyll.

Among the congregation were Duke Torquhil's mother, The Dowager Duchess Iona, The Duke's maternal grandmother and grandfather, Captain Sir Ivar Iain Colquhoun of Luss 8th BT, Chief of Clan Colquhoun and Lady Colquhoun of Luss, and the mother and father of The Duchess Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hugh George Cadbury.


Marquess of Lorne was appointed Page of Honour to the Queen

A Page of Honour is a ceremonial position in the Royal Household. It requires attendance on state occasions, but does not now involve the daily duties which were once attached to the office of page. The only physical activity involved is usually carrying the long train of the Queen's robes. It is usually a distinction granted to teenage sons of members of the nobility and gentry, and especially of senior members of the Royal Household. Pages of Honour feature in British Coronations, the State Opening of Parliament, and other ceremonies.

Archie Cambpell, Marquess of Lorne, 3rd Page of Honour to Queen Elizabeth II
Archie Campbell, Marquess of Lorne, 3rd Page from Left

The four Pages of Honour in England wear a scarlet frock coat with gold trimmings, a white satin waistcoat, white breeches and hose, white gloves, black buckled shoes and a lace cravat and ruffles. A sword is also worn with the outfit and a feathered three-cornered hat is provided. In Scotland the outfit is identical, but in green rather than scarlet (as seen periodically at the Thistle Service in Edinburgh).

At Coronations, the peers who carry regalia in the procession (and others with particular roles in the service) are expected to have their own Pages in attendance. These pages are directed to wear 'the same pattern of clothes as the Pages of Honour wear, but of the Livery colour of the Lords they attend... [except that] ...the Royal liveries being scarlet and gold, the use of this combination of colours is restricted to the Pages of Honour, and in the case of a Peer whose colours are scarlet and gold, for scarlet some variant, such as murrey or claret, should be used.'  
In the Court Circular for February 27, 2015, it was announced that Archie, Marquess of Lorne, was appointed 3rd Page of Honour to the Queen. This is a position that his father, now the 13th Duke of Argyll, occupied in 1981-83.  Archie Frederick Campbell turned 11 on March 9, 2015. Archie, Marquess of Lorne served as a Page of Honour until 2018.

The other Pages of Honour this year are 15 year old Hugo Bertie, great grandson of the sister of the late Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother; Lachlan (Lochy) Legge-Bourke 12 (nephew of Viscountess Linley); and the Hon. Augustus Stanhope, 10, grandson of the 12th Earl of Harrington. 

The opening ceremony can be viewed on Youtube: Queen Opens Parliament 2015.


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