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The main and chiefly line of Clan Campbell is Campbell of Lochawe later known as the Earls and Dukes of Argyll. However, there were several cadet branches of the family which became in many ways Clans in their own right. Branches such as the Campbells of Glenorchy, which in time became the Campbells of Breadalbane, the Campbells of Cawdor, and the Campbells of Loudoun. All of which became earldoms.

Clan Campbell is unique in the number of lairds it has produced – that is to say, heritable proprietors of land rather than those who held on short-term leases or tacks. Almost 300 cadet families have been recorded. Although the list reproduced here is not complete (it's a work in progress), particularly in the case of lairdships which only lasted for a generation. The number is worthy of comment; as it is far larger than any other clan and especially when compared with a small clan which might not produce more than seven or eight such cadet families.

In heraldry and history, a cadet branch consists of the male-line descendants of a patriarch’s younger sons (cadets). Such off-spring were not expected to produce any offspring - though of course may did so. In some cases the cadet branch would become successful and perhaps own land and be awarded titles - laird or a knighthood or even higher rank, such as with Clan Campbell. Such significant branches often became associated with a particular geographic location. The territorial designation is usually a description of the place with which the peer or peeress has a connection or where he or she has a residence. All peers below the rank of earl must be described in his or her letter patent as ‘of ———‘ (somewhere). There are many younger sons in the Campbell line who achieved such acknowledgement of their success - a selection of these Campbells who have been identified in this way are listed below.


Clan Campbell Cadet Branches Matriculated Arms Family Tree by Alastair Lorne Campbell of Airds c1976


Peerage Houses of Clan Campbell

Campbell of Argyll: Duke of Argyll (S), Duke of Argyll (UK), Chief of Clan Campbell

Campbell of Breadalbane: Earl of Breadalbane and Holland

Campbell of Cawdor: Earl Cawdor, of Castlemartin in the County of Pembroke

Campbell of LoudounEarl of Loudoun


Cadet Houses of Clan Campbell

Campbell of Lochnell (Heirs should Argyll line fail.)
Campbell of Airds
Campbell of Ardkinglas
Campbell of Auchinbreck
Campbell of Caenmore & Melfort
Campbell of Craignish
Campbell of Dunstaffnage
Campbell of Duntroon
Campbell of Inverawe
Campbell of Strachur


Cadet Branches of Clan Campbell

Baron of Stratheden and Campbell
Burnley-Campbell of Ormidale
Campbell Douglas of Douglas
Campbell Douglas of Mains
Campbell of Aberuchill
Campbell of Aberuchill and Kilbyde
Campbell of Achalader
Campbell of Achanduin and Barbreck
Campbell of Acharn
Campbell of Achavorran
Campbell of Achaworran
Campbell of Achnaba
Campbell of Achteny
Campbell of Achteny and Ballimore
Campbell of Airds
Campbell of Airds Bay
Campbell of Altries
Campbell of Ardachy
Campbell of Ardchattan
Campbell of Ardentallen
Campbell of Ardentinny
Campbell of Ardeonaig and Lochend
Campbell of Ardlarach
Campbell of Ardmarnoch
Campbell of Ardnamurchan
Campbell of Ardnamurchan and Airds
Campbell of Ardpatrick
Campbell of Ardslignish
Campbell of Arduaine
Campbell of Arthurstone
Campbell of Ashfield
Campbell of Ashfield/Lergnahension
Campbell of Asknish
Campbell of Askomel
Campbell of Auch
Campbell of Auchawillan
Campbell of Auchawillig
Campbell of Auchendarroch
Campbell of Auchendarroch (now Inverawe)
Campbell of Auchinbreck
Campbell of Auchlyne
Campbell of Auchmannoch
Campbell of Auchmannoch and Avisyard
Campbell of Avisyard
Campbell of Balgirsho
Campbell of Ballachlavan
Campbell of Balligowan
Campbell of Ballimore
Campbell of Ballinaby
Campbell of Ballinarby
Campbell of Balliveolan
Campbell of Ballochyle
Campbell of Ballygrant
Campbell of Bangeston
Campbell of Barbreck (New Line)
Campbell of Barbreck (Old Line)
Campbell of Barcaldine
Campbell of Barlea
Campbell of Barmolloch
Campbell of Barnacarry
Campbell of Barquharrie and Mayfield
Campbell of Barrichbeyan
Campbell of Belmont
Campbell of Black River
Campbell of Blackhouse and Finlaystone
Campbell of Blackriver
Campbell of Blarcherin
Campbell of Blythswood
Campbell of Boat of Islay
Campbell of Boith
Campbell of Botuarymore
Campbell of Bragleen
Campbell of Brounsyde
Campbell of Cabrachan
Campbell of Cammo
Campbell of Carrick
Campbell of Carrickbuoy
Campbell of Catrine
Campbell of Cawdor
Campbell of Cessnock
Campbell of Clachan
Campbell of Claonary
Campbell of Clathick
Campbell of Clenamacrie
Campbell of Clenary
Campbell of Clochombie
Campbell of Clunes
Campbell of Colgrain
Campbell of Cononish
Campbell of Corries
Campbell of Corvarane
Campbell of Crackaig
Campbell of Craigends
Campbell of Craigie
Campbell of Croonan
Campbell of Croy
Campbell of Culgatro
Campbell of Culraith
Campbell of Cultoun
Campbell of Danna
Campbell of Dell
Campbell of Denhead
Campbell of Denoon
Campbell of Dergachy
Campbell of Doonbrae
Campbell of Douglas Support
Campbell of Drimsynie
Campbell of Drumnamuckloch
Campbell of Duchernan
Campbell of Dudhope
Campbell of Dunardry
Campbell of Duneaves
Campbell of Dunmore
Campbell of Dunoon
Campbell of Dunstaffnage
Campbell of Duntroon
Campbell of Duntroon and Oib
Campbell of Easter Shian
Campbell of Easter Shian and Easter Garrows
Campbell of Edenwood
Campbell of Ederline
Campbell of Edinample
Campbell of Ellanrie
Campbell of Ellister
Campbell of Eriskay
Campbell of Eskan
Campbell of Fairfield
Campbell of Finab
Campbell of Finlaystone
Campbell of Fraochyllan
Campbell of Gargunnock
Campbell of Gartbeg
Campbell of Gartsford
Campbell of Glassnock
Campbell of Glasvar
Campbell of Glenavey
Campbell of Glencarradale
Campbell of Glencharran
Campbell of Glendaruel
Campbell of Glendaruel (New Line)
Campbell of Glendaruel (Old Line)
Campbell of Glendouglas
Campbell of Glenfalloch
Campbell of Glenfeochan (New Line)
Campbell of Glenfeochan (Old Line)
Campbell of Glenlyon
Campbell of Glennan
Campbell of Glenorchy
Campbell of Glensaddell
Campbell of Glensalloch
Campbell of Glenure
Campbell of Grandvale
Campbell of Hallyards
Campbell of Ichterachyn
Campbell of Inchanoch
Campbell of Inerzeldies and of Barcaldine
Campbell of Inistore
Campbell of Innellan
Campbell of Innellan and Dunoon
Campbell of Innerzeldies
Campbell of Innistore
Campbell of Inverawe
Campbell of Inveresragan
Campbell of Inverhae
Campbell of Inverinan
Campbell of Inverliver (on Loch Awe)
Campbell of Inverliver (on Loch Etive)
Campbell of Inverneill
Campbell of Islay
Campbell of Jura
Campbell of Keithock
Campbell of Kenmore
Campbell of Kenmore (Caenmore) & Melfort
Campbell of Kilberry
Campbell of Kilbrandon
Campbell of Kildalloig
Campbell of Kilduskland
Campbell of Killenallen and Ardnaho
Campbell of Killermont
Campbell of Killoch
Campbell of Kilmartin
Campbell of Kilmichael
Campbell of Kilmory
Campbell of Kinabus
Campbell of Kinloch
Campbell of Kinnabus
Campbell of Kinnochtree
Campbell of Kirktoun
Campbell of Kirnan
Campbell of Knock
Campbell of Knockamellie (New Line)
Campbell of Knockamellie (Old Line)
Campbell of Knockbuy
Campbell of Kolmkill
Campbell of Lagg (New Line)?
Campbell of Lagg (Old Line)?
Campbell of Lagganlochan
Campbell of Lagvinsheoch
Campbell of Lawers
Campbell of Leckguary
Campbell of Leix
Campbell of Lerags
Campbell of Lerags (New Line)
Campbell of Lerags (Old Line)
Campbell of Lergachonzie
Campbell of Lergnahension (Ashfield)
Campbell of Lix
Campbell of Lochdochart
Campbell of Lochend and Ardeonaig
Campbell of Lochend and Thurso
Campbell of Lochlane
Campbell of Lochnell
Campbell of Lossit
Campbell of Loudoun
Campbell of Lundie (New Line)
Campbell of Lundie (Old Line)
Campbell of Lundie (Old)
Campbell of Mains
Campbell of Marchmont
Campbell of Mayfield
Campbell of Melfort
Campbell of Mochaster
Campbell of Monzie
Campbell of Morpeth
Campbell of Mossley
Campbell of Moy
Campbell of Murthlie
Campbell of Nether Largie
Campbell of Netherplace
Campbell of New Inverawe
Campbell of Octomore
Campbell of Oib
Campbell of Orange Bay
Campbell of Orchard
Campbell of Ormidale (New Line)
Campbell of Ormidale (Old Line)
Campbell of Ormsary
Campbell of Orrobolls
Campbell of Otter (New Line)
Campbell of Otter (Old Line)
Campbell of Park
Campbell of Peatoun
Campbell of Pennymore
Campbell of Possil
Campbell of Quoycrook
Campbell of Rachean
Campbell of Raray
Campbell of Raschoille
Campbell of Rudill
Campbell of Scamadale
Campbell of Shankeston
Campbell of Shawfield
Campbell of Shawfield and Skipness
Campbell of Shirvan
Campbell of Skeldon
Campbell of Skerrington
Campbell of Skipness
Campbell of Skipness (New Line)
Campbell of Skipness (Old Line)
Campbell of Smiddygreen
Campbell of Sonachan
Campbell of Sornbeg
Campbell of Soutarhouses
Campbell of South Hall
Campbell of Springfield
Campbell of Stonefield
Campbell of Stracathro
Campbell of Strathcathro
Campbell of Stratheden and Campbell
Campbell of Stronchormaig
Campbell of Strondour
Campbell of Strones
Campbell of Stuck
Campbell of Succoth
Campbell of Sunderland/Shinderlin
Campbell of Thames Ditton
Campbell of Thurso
Campbell of Torbhlaren
Campbell of Torrie
Campbell of Torrobolls (New Line)?
Campbell of Torrobolls (Old Line)?
Campbell of Treesbank
Campbell of Treesbank and Cessnock
Campbell of Tullichewan
Campbell of Waterhaughs
Campbell of Whitehaughs
Campbell of Wideford
Campbell of Woodhall
Campbell of Woodside
Campbell-Colquhoun of Killermont and Garscadden
Campbell-Lamont of Possil
Carter-Campbell of Possil
Cockburn Campbell of Gartsford
MacIver Campbell of Asknish
MacIver Campbell of Ballochyle


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Clan Campbell Society (N.A.)

Membership benefits include:

– A subscription to our award winning 60 page quarterly magazine, "The Journal"

– Research access to our 250,000 member genealogical database via our Genealogist

– You will receive a vote in the annual elections for members of the Clan Campbell Society (NA) Executive Council

– Special Member pricing on Clan Campbell merchandise

– News of Scottish events and Scottish Highland Games Calendar

– Periodic opportunities for Group Travel to Scotland

A subscription to a monthly eNewsletter with color pictures and events information

– Free entry to Cawdor Castle, ancestral home of the Earl Cawdor, during regular open times (with valid membership card)

– Free entry to Inveraray Castle, home of the Duke of Argyll Chief of Clan Campbell, during regular open times (with valid membership card)

Membership is open to all Campbells, Campbell septs, those married to a Campbell or Campbell Sept, those descended from Clan Campbell, and to those interested in learning about the Clan Campbell, Scottish history and culture, and who acknowledge Mac Cailein Mòr as their Clan Chief, as he is the Chief of Clan Campbell, the greatest family in all of Scotland! (We're a "wee bit" biased.)

Remember, those who get the most out of being a member of the Clan Campbell Society... are those who participate. We welcome you as our kinsmen to join us in our many activities.

To become a member, simply complete the online Membership Application.